Just before Haloween there was a Thursday evening when Syda yoga didn't have a program. I had heard great things about the Sufi dance group in Salem, OR so headed down and visited with Cathy for a bit before we headed to the Sufi dance (it was really wonderful as Cathy had expressed and Pam was a magical leader). Cathy had been playing with wearing makeup, a wig, and contacts for a new look shown here. Below is her Haloween costume which she wore to work on Monday (she is a medical transriptionist for Salem Clinic (work at home) and Salem Hospitaln (where she goes in to their office). That was a way cool look for Cathy. | ![]() |
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Cathy inspired me to get out of my rut and wear a costume to work. I broke out my West Point full dress grey uniform, which still fits me after over thirty years (that is the amazing part). That is possible because of my little weight game I play and got me to thinking about hunger and how it is my friend.... Anyway, it was raining hard that morning and thought about not bothering, but Cathy's costume really inspired me so I persevered and wore my uniform in to work.... I was the only one in costume. How embarrassing! Last year several people came in to work in costume so it wasn't that absurd. Oh well! Marie took this picture. The uniform looks a lot like a civil war uniform as it was designed in 1830. It is quite uncomfortable (with the cinched waist, high and tight collar, tails, etc.. The amazing thing is that 100+ years ago they would wear that uniform to class, riding, drills, etc.. Yikes! No wonder everyone looks miserable in those old pictures. The buttons were added to the sleeves for most uniforms of that era so that the soldiers wouldn't wipe their nose on their sleeves. Seems pretty silly until you are out in the cold and muck when I surprised myself by wiping my nose on my sleeve (though I was in work clothes and certainly nothing with buttons on the sleeves). | ![]() |
This is my little pumpkin patch early in November with the plant still going strong. I think the squirrels were nibbling on the flowers, both male and female so that very few survived ling enough to get fertilized, much start growing so that they would be large enough to not interest the squirrels any more. Only the one large pumpkin survived. | ![]() |
And this is the patch after the first serious frost toward the end of November. The pumpkin was only about ten inches in diameter, but it weighed 18 pounds (which is huge for a pumpkin of that size). It was solid all the way through except for a core about 1/2 inch wide and three inches long. However, it cooked down to six pounds with lots of waste, not many healthy seeds (poor fertilization I guess). Oh well, I am thinking of using vaesline and pepper to make the flowers less palatable to the squirrels next winter (and then share the excess seeds in the winter). | ![]() |
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Above on the left is a picture from work of a lovely full moon at sunset. However, the picture doesn't really pick up the beauty of the colors. Oh well. Next to that is the new furniture and decoration in my apartment. What?! You find that hard to believe, truly incredible. OK, we visited the Pittock mansion, built in 1907 or so and one of the historical mansions in Portland, OR. It was decorated for Christmas as seen above and here. | ![]() |
At work they have hired a new person (Feb 06), Sanjay, who is theoretically a replacement for Ann who left in September to commence training be a medical radiology technician (or something like that). Best wishes to Ann in her new career. Sanjay is focussing on migrating our clients to the new architecture with Yesmail.com. Sanjay is in the cubicle which used to be occupied by John and John moved to the cubicle which was occupied by Kranti (but on the other side). Kranti had a new baby and is out on maternity leave. When she returns she will likely sit somewhere else. | ![]() |
This page was last updated on April 8, 2006.