In September of 2005, I went in for a physical and to get my blood work. I am still in good health. I get my health care as the VA mostly because it is such a bother to always change plans and, potentially, health care providers with each job and/or company reorganization (like the buy out). Right now, any veteran with an honorable discharge can get medical care at the VA, though there is a co-pay if your income exceeds a certain threshold (which changes every year, of course). However, the co-pay is quite reasonable and so I was especially glad to have medical converage when I was travelling even though I never needed it. This is the main VA Medical Center in Vancouver, WA. It is very nice. | ![]() |
However, it is clear that this is an old Army base. While the grounds are very nicely kept (unlike a typical old Army base), some of the buildings are pretty old. These are old style barracks where there would be two wings of open bunk areas (about ten bunk beds in each wing) with a communcal latrine and shower area in the center. I imagine that these aren't barracks any longer, but I am pretty sure that is what they used to be. | ![]() |
On Tuesday evenings and very convenient to my work there is a Sufi Universal Dance held at Grace Episcopal church (shown here). This church was built in 1908 which is pretty old by West coast standards. | ![]() |
Normally we meet/dance in the meeting hall, but one week the church was having a potluck in the meeting hall and so we were moved into the sanctuary. It was a lot more cramped for dancing, but a really lovely space. The lighting was OK but my camera doesn't do nearly so well as the human eye at large contrasts in lighting. | ![]() |
Sufi Universal Dance seems to be a mostly West coast thing. They have adopted the joyous chanting and dancing of the Sufis, but take the best from all religions as their theology (hence the Universal part). It is really a wonderful experience. Here is a short video. The chants and dances are kept simple, but that really helps improve the experience. | ![]() |
Normally the Portland Sufi dance is in meeting hall which is shown here where they are setting up. There would often be about three dozen people dancing in a large circle with musicians (two to four) seated in the center all around the sacred objects they are setting up in the center. There are flyers for other dance functions on the table on the left and a sort of puja on the stage (they were still setting up when I took this picture). | ![]() |
Before the dances start, the musicians (and dance leaders who teach us the songs and dance and lead us through it) practice in a room off to the side which is shown here. | ![]() |
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In Syda Yoga, the Portland Center will be hosting the satellite broadcast of the Baba Muktananda Mahasamadi Intensive being broadcast from California in mid October, 2005. As one of the A/V guys, Jim and I were checking out the satellite reciever (it was working fine) and visited the antenna on the roof (shown above). This is Jim checking to make sure that the bolts are still tight. | ![]() |
Jim also took my picture. I remember a couple of years ago bringing this antenna up to the roof. It is not that heavy (most fiber glass), but the antenna dish was too big to take up through the hatch in the roof, so we had to bring it up by rope. That was fan. The base it is mounted on was built specially for this location and was brought up in parts (which was good as it is heavy). In Syda Yoga for 2006 the focus is on a chant, the Kundalini Stavah. | ![]() |
This page was last updated on February 16, 2006.