Next to arrive was Brooks (shown here) and Haverly, his wife. Brooks Vinson's
oldest sons. They drove from Baltimore where they had just moved in
(not even unpacked) and Haverly has had enough moving and never intends to move
again. |
Here is a picture of Haverly. Their kids are Ava (with an A) and Henry. |
Here is a picture of Ava on the swing by the driveway. There will be a picture
of Henry later. |
Alan, shown here, was an old friend of the family who had been Brooks'
roommate. He is from Portland, OR (wow, small world, that is where I hail
from) and happened to be in the area visiting his family and joined
us as well. His wife, Pashalle, was not on this trip. Alan is currently
an unemployeed cook, now taking computer programming courses at PCC. His
degree was in graphics media (I think, my memory is not so sharp), so he
might be a good candidate for where I work as we have eight
graphic web designers. Who is to know? |
Here is their son, Lucas, playing Diablo (imagine that). Sadly, there was
a bad spot on the diskette and I didn't get the larger image for this picture
or take another picture of Lucas. Doh! |
Later that afternoon (Monday), David and Helle arrived from Spain. David
(shown here with his son Erik) is
Vinson's son. Helle is Danish. They each are members of a symphony in Spain.
It seems that Spain has decided to support classical music and make live
symphonies widely available. As a result it is much easier for musicians
to get employment in Spain than in many other areas. The full size version
of this picture was lost. |
Here is Helle at long table where we had dinner that evening. It was
potato salad and squash casserole and all very yummy. |
It got pretty hot on Monday (perhaps 93 and humid) and even hotter on
Tuesday (perhaps 98 and humid). It was the hottest weather they had had in
Bloomington in the last three years. However, Vinson had put out the
wading pool and the kids loved it. This is Alex, Ava, Erik, and Eva |
Here is Verna watching David and Helle's youngest, Andrea. The table for
dinner was set up along the right side of the house in the shade of the house. |
Beth and her son Jon arrived in time for dinner, too. Beth is Vinson's daughter.
Here is a picture of Beth and Andrea. Sadly, the only really good picture I got of
Jon was in the pictures on the bad spot on the disk. Doh! Beth's husband
and her older son, Ben, did not arrive until later. They live pretty close
by in Columbus, Indiana (about an hour away). |
Colene and her daughter, Caitlin, were also there for dinner. Colleen is
Amy's other daughter. Amy and Jack didn't arrive in time for dinner. Colleen
is a web designer in England. She demonstrated some of her recent work
in animation (using FlashPlayer and such). Her husband, Simon
couldn't make it to the reunion. He is an appraiser for the Inland Revenue
(like our IRS) for estates. |
After the yummy dinner, Anne served squash pie. It was yummy. I never liked
squash quite that much. |