Travels, Return to Hawaii, 2009

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Click on any of the little pictures to see it at normal size. Click on the '=0=' after the picture to see it in giant size (about 2 minutes to download on dialup connection and larger than screen size). This could be useful if you wanted to really look at one part of the picture or to make a print.

SYMC Manoa, Honolulu, HI. =0= SYMC Manoa, Honolulu, HI. =0=
One of the nice things about moving to the Marco Polo is that it is very close to the Siddha Yoga Meditation Center, only a ten minute drive, so what with being laid off, I have loads of time and so visit there pretty regularly. I normally park at the Safeway about a block away and then walk there, crossing a bridge over the stream shown above. There are also very pretty hills and valleys all around the area (above and here). Below is a picture of the building. The layout is a little confusing as you enter along the left and go all the way through the building to the back and then come forward to the meditation hall (also below). SYMC Manoa, Honolulu, HI. =0=
Honolulu Siddha Yoga Meditation Center. =0= Honolulu Siddha Yoga Meditation Center. =0=
Honolulu Siddha Yoga Meditation Center. =0= Honolulu Siddha Yoga Meditation Center. =0=
Above is the picture and puja at the back of the meditation hall. Next to that is one of the two or three pujas that you pass on your way to the meditation hall. After events they often have a snack or even a meal. When there is a larger crowd and the weather is nice they eat and visit at this table just behind the building shown here. I have been trying to learn everyone's name with some success. On the right are Malcolm and Mary Beth. Beyond that table is a little back yard, shown below with stairs to another porch area (also below) where there is Irene (pronounced as eye-wren-nae, the hispanic pronunciation), Lucia, and Bindu. Malcolm and Mary Beth =0=
Honolulu Siddha Yoga Meditation Center. =0= Iridena, Lucia, and Bindu. =0=
Beyond that porch, there is a room with 'Bookstore' and a long table (for eating and chatting) and then the kitchen shown here with John and Wendy doing the dishes afterwards. John and Wendy. =0=
George. =0= Consuela and Wendy. =0=
At my last couple of visits to the Hawaii center, Madhu (from the Oakland Prison Project office) and his wife Wendy were visiting. Above if a picture of George (a released prisoner who is most appreciative for how the Prison Project changed his life) and a picture of Consuela (who is a regular attendee, but had been away for most of the month I was visiting) and Wendy. Instead of going to the other side (which would have been disruptive as I was seated at a long table and against the wall) and getting them from the angle where they would be well lit, I just took the picture with the light to their back. Oh well, a pretty awful picture is probably better than no picture. Along the wall next to me was Madhu, shown here. Madhu. =0=
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This page was last updated on September 28, 2009.