Travels, Life In Albany, 2010

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The Abode, New Lebanon, NY. =0= The Abode, New Lebanon, NY. =0=
They have started having a third 'Dances of Universal Peace' (DUP or sufi) in the area on the second Friday of the month at the Abode of the Message in New Lebanon, NY (close to Massachusetts). They have a meeting hall there, but it was being used in a retreat that weekend and so we danced in the meeting room of the school (below) where Maitreya teaches (his day job). The Abode, New Lebanon, NY. =0=
The Abode, New Lebanon, NY. =0= The Abode, New Lebanon, NY. =0=
It was a great group with a lot of the residents of the Abode joining us. Below and here are pictures from the dances. They are a little blurred as the light wasn't that great. I also made a video of Karuna teaching and another dance. It was also fun because Rebecca's daughter, Cici, was there and played the violin. She was great. The Abode, New Lebanon, NY. =0=
The Abode, New Lebanon, NY. =0= The Abode, New Lebanon, NY. =0=
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This page was last updated on September 23, 2010.