On November 30, 2001 I went to Labor Force (shown in last page)
at 6AM. There were about six workers, but not that many positions.
However, Iris (who opened in the morning) said that Trojan had three
or four openings. I went over with Jimmy, but we were sent around back. |
Tom (at Trojan) sent me over to Parkcrest Church of Christ
where they were renovating (construction project). He said we would do the
paperwork (to be an employee) when I got back. |
The church is a really large church and this renovation
of just one end of it will come to over one million dollars (of course
North Dallas at Preston and IH 635 is one of the better parts of town). |
I parked in the M.D.I. construction area and went in the
construction entrance. They were only working a half day as it was Friday
and I cleaned up so things would be neat and presentable when they had
services on Sunday. |
Charlie, the M.D.I. supervisor, also does miscellaneous work
that needs to be done. He asked me to come back on Monday. However, when I
got out to Trojan to get my pay and new time sheet, they were closed until 4PM.
Drats. Their hours are 6AM to 9AM and 4PM to 5PM. As it was about 1PM,
I went home. I got paid and filled out my paperwork Monday
morning. I also found out that sometimes Tom doesn't come
in until as late as 6:30AM on Monday mornings. |
All day Monday and half of Tuesday I was scraping up an old
asphalt tile floor so that they could lay another. The first two thirds only
took a couple of hours, but then I got into a section that was double glued
and had to chisel tiles out with a screw driver and hammer. I got some pretty
bad blisters from that. What to do? |